Rally Manager Game

Rally Manager Game Development

The Beginning

It all started as an idea around Christmass 2021

Rally Manager Game Rally Manager Game Rally Manager Game
After inital sketches was quickly drawn, the development began early 2022.

Rally Manager Game Rally Manager Game Rally Manager Game
Early stage design was gone through a few rounds of re-shaping.
Before the live launch, we plan to undergo one more round of re-design.

Present Time

Some of the main features was created and the initial user menu completed

Rally Manager Game Rally Manager Game Rally Manager Game
User profile, money tab and rally simulator have its shape already.

Users are able to create profiles and login.
A tutorial is undergoing as well as the game engine for the live action.

Coming Next

Once we complete the gameplay engine, we will go live with the option to do test stages which we call "rally simulator".

While building data, we will then work on the release of the first test championship competition.