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спецодежда официальный са...
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09-07-2024, 06:47 PM
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обработка от грызунов
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09-07-2024, 06:20 PM
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04-25-2023, 02:49 PM
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  спецодежда официальный сайт
Posted by: blatta.ru - 09-07-2024, 06:47 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Рабочая одежда заказать с доставкой blatta.ru

Если Вы хотели найти полукомбинезоны рабочие спецодежда мужские летние в интернете, то переходите на наш интернет проект. Смотрите каталог нашей очень прочной, оригинальной рабочей одежды. Закончилось то время, когда покупатели выбирали невысокие цены, игнорируя качество. В настоящее время, в век развитых технологий, новинки приходят и в сферу специальной одежды. Оцените самостоятельно, заказав наши представленные модели.

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  обработка от грызунов
Posted by: dezinfekciya-mcd.ru - 09-07-2024, 06:20 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Московский центр дезинфекции dezinfekciya-mcd.ru

Чтобы купить услугу уничтожение клопов с гарантией звоните нам. Насекомые или опасные грызуны могут зародиться практически в любых пространствах, не только на старых покинутых участках. Мы занимаемся: уничтожением клещей и блох, удалением запахов, дератизацией крыс, уничтожением ос и шершней, комаров, муравьев, отлов кротов и многим другим. По всем этим вопросам приходите незамедлительно в нашу компанию.

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  обработка от клещей
Posted by: удаление плесени в квартире - 09-07-2024, 06:59 AM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

Дератизация Москва dezinfekciya-mcd.ru

Чтобы заказать услугу дезинфекция квартиры от блох позвоните нам. Насекомые или опасные грызуны могут появиться почти в любых помещениях, не только на старых заброшенных участках. Мы промышляем: уничтожением тараканов и блох, удалением запахов, дератизацией мышей, уничтожением грызунов, моли, муравьев, отлов летучих мышей и многим другим. По любым этим вопросам приходите прямо сейчас в нашу организацию.

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  Suggestions / Required Features
Posted by: Admin - 01-04-2024, 07:30 AM - Forum: Game Play - No Replies

You can post all your suggestions and features that you want changed/ added.

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  The Game Explained
Posted by: Admin - 04-25-2023, 02:49 PM - Forum: Game Play - No Replies

The Rally Manager Game as the name suggest, will include all types of action except the driving itself. 
It will aim to replicate the real-world structure and educate the users in depth about the whole adventure called rallying.

Two main game modes:

[Image: modes.png] 

- Users to rent a car and have fun at a single event or championship. This will be a less time-consuming and not too engaging option, and the main purpose will be having fun.
- Users to create a rally team, manage cars, parts, fuel and tyres, etc. This mode will be for the fans who want to enjoy the whole complexity of their favourite sport.  

Drivers skills

[Image: skills.png]

Every user will have several skills to build like experience, talent, reputation, popularity, etc. 
So a rookie will face a hard time beating experienced users, even if they get hold of faster cars.

Drivers Licences 

As in the real world, users will have to gain priority, so they have access to higher-tier events.

Cars Stats

[Image: carstats.png]

The game will kick off with the cars pyramid it currently exists, but hopefully, we will be able to add more classes and categories with time. 
There will be stats of every car like engine, gears, suspension and aerodynamics. These will have maximum potential and % of wear. 

2 Types of Action Time: 

[Image: simulatorstage.png]   [Image: rallyinfo.png]

- Rally Simulator. In this mode, users will be able to gain experience 24/7 and that won't wear their rented or owned cars. It will be possible to test stages with different tyre types and fuel levels. 

- Rally race events. The real action wrapped in local, national and international events, grouped in championships. This is where the battle for wins will take place. There will be 2 or 3 race events held per week, making a season last as much as a month time.

Game Play

In a rally event, users will have to make up their strategy in terms of tyres, fuel, and push level and keep a close eye on their competitors' stage times to ensure they lift the trophy at the end. Not to mention entering and leaving time controls will be part of the game. 

[Image: gameplay.png]

During stage, users will have control over the level they want to push. Split times will help them decide how much to risk. Tyre wear, fuel level and co-pilot notes will have to be monitored as well. 


Users will need to find cash to rent or buy a car, pay entry fees for events, etc. 
Getting sponsors on board will be the main source of income. The more reputation and talent a user has, the bigger the sponsors will be. 

*Note: Bear in mind, graphics are from early test versions.

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Posted by: Admin - 04-25-2023, 01:20 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

Hey there, fellow rally enthusiasts! 

We are thrilled to announce that we are in the process of building a new rally game to life and we can't wait to share it with you!

It will be about managing a rally driver through the way, rather than actual driving acrross the stages. (There are plenty simulators out there) 

We're here to hear your thoughts, recommendations, and dream scenarios for the game. Every suggestion and idea will be taken into account as we build and develop the game. We want to make sure that Rally Manager will be the best it can be.

So whether you're a seasoned rally fan or just curious about the sport, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Get ready to test your skills and compete in virtual championships, while learning about the real-world structures of rally racing.

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